Saturday, August 1, 2009

Today thus far

I had breakfast on the front porch of my little house and was soon joined by two little Mozambican boys. I could not help but stare at their calloused feet, dry rotted shoes that were much too little and smell the stench of Africa on them. I too smell this way now, except with a touch of Mandarin orange thanks to the birthday present Carla sent along in my bags. Thank you! I love it! I got out the crayons Betty sent and Bernardo and Manuel and I colored, while I sat with my tiny Portuguese dictionary in my lap and attempted communication. It is so obvious how spending time with these boys is crucial to their learning about love and how to love. They have to see it lived out. When I came back into my house Pam was standing at the sink with two small boys rolling out tortillas. It was so fun to see these small boys standing over the counter with a rolling pin. We all need to be touched, loved, hugged, encouraged, cared for, relationship, friendship and all of that. One boy was living alone in a nearby village and just recently came to Iris. Pam said at first he was standoffish- having just arrived two weeks ago. How beautiful to see him standing in the kitchen, participating in lunch preparation, with a new brother, friend and mother. I know this is one of the keys of transformation this nation. I feel like a hippie every time I say it is all about love, but that is pretty much the answer to all life's problems and certainly what this nation needs. The rejection, oppression, slavery and abuse has torn this nation to shreds. It takes all the opposite of that to set it free and release it into the fullness thereof. I do want to be apart of that. I admit that just stepping off the plane and out of my tidy little home, trips to Target and a refrigerator full of fresh food, into this nation rocks me still. I spent yesterday perplexed and in shock of the contrast. I have been here before, but nothing prepares you for the difference. I am meeting in 30 minutes with a couple who are attending the mission school here and have similar goals as mine, to go beyond relief efforts and find creative ways to make villages self sustaining and train nationals. I was feeling rather overwhelmed all day yesterday, but my morning with the boys and already having taken a flat bed truck (camiao) ride down the dusty road in front of the world's most beautiful beach shows me why I love it here so much. I was born to be here. Whether it is a few weeks each year, two years, or a lifetime, there is so much work that needs to be done. It just makes anything I do back home seem less important as I look at the great need here. I know there are answers. I know there are best practices and ways out there to bring food to the hungry and share the love of Jesus that can transform them and change this nation and I will dedicate my life to play a part in making it happen.

I don't know how often I will be able to write, but hope it is often. Carla, I still have not yet opened my other present, but Manuel opened the card you sent! I love it. (It has Wonder Woman on the front) :) I will try to put it up here in my room. Hugs and kisses to the punks. Catherine and Gracie, you would love it here! So many children to play with and an ocean across the street. Next time, you are coming with me.

I think Mark and Jen are taking me to dinner for my birthday and then are having friends over to their house to play Wii. So this is me suffering in Africa. Did I mention there is no water and now there are two roaches in my bathroom. And that this computer doesn't have a question mark.


  1. Grace!!!!
    Thanks so much for taking me there with your blog. I'm loving it!!!! I wish i was there with you and the kids, sharing God's love. I wish I had been there for your birthday dinner. We'll have to recelebrate when you get back. We'll go there together again. And to Cameroon together. We're going to take nations together!!!!

    I love you!

  2. YES! to all of the above. I am planning the celebration now. Can we do Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner with desserts following all three? Cannot wait to see and hear all about Cameroon!! Do they have wet walnuts?
