Thursday, September 8, 2011

All over the place

I left Hartwell last week and drove to Columbia, SC for a weekend with my cousin and her beautiful baby girl. Now I am writing this from Laura's living room in Kansas. I am here until Sunday. I feel like so much of my life is done solo. Just me on the road, on the go, packing boxes, making lists and phone calls and moving from one task to the next. So now it just feels so good to just sit and rest. And it feels even better to just sit and rest with someone else sitting next to me. Laura is looking up recipes and planning Hailey's 10th birthday party this weekend and I am here writing you. It is a little odd having a whole new following and what was once created as a means to write home to my sister has become a newsletter of a missionary. Who knew? But either way I feel obligated to report in and let you all know what is going on and fill you in on the plan.

The "to do" list is getting shorter and shorter. I have my Visa, Plane Ticket, International Drivers License. Now I just need to get International Medical Insurance and pack all my personal belongings in two suitcases. I also have HAIR COLOR and a cut and good product!!! Thanks to Judy. You are amazing and that blessed me more than you will ever know.

It is almost Fall weather here. I am not sure if it is a blessing or a cruel tease as I am about to enter 100 degree days. But, here and now with the windows open and my sweet friend now asleep on the sofa and the sound of her beautiful baby breathing softly over the baby monitor, it all feels perfect.

I find myself soaking it all up; hot showers, loading the dishwasher, cooking in a modern kitchen with spices and fresh vegetables, artisan cheeses, grocery shopping, a phone call, flipping through a People Magazine at the airport, Target, blue jeans. I am savoring it all, realizing how fast everything and everyone changes, what are my priorities and my real true needs. I have realized that more than anything it is Community. It is all about just, for me, being cheered on and being able to cheer on others. This season of my life has brought out the cheering squad in my life and I am humbled and amazed and honored to have friends like this in my life. As I journey through my little world that often seems solo but is so far from it, I have been daily blessed by all your words of encouragement and hugs and prayers and love. So thank you. I am excited about the days ahead and cannot wait to share it all, successes and disappointments. I need you there to rally and cheer and pray. And I want to do the same for you. It makes all the difference. More soon. XO

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