Wednesday, September 15, 2010

quick update

Major Dad is home! He came home earlier than expected. We kept relying on daily text messages telling us where he was and where he was headed. I think it took a total of four days, but he made it home yesterday. He was originally planning on being on an afternoon flight, but called yesterday morning to let us know he would be on the first flight in. So Laura and I rushed around to get the house tidy, balloons inflated and banner hung. 
It was so sweet to watch Owen see his dad for the first time in 6 months and Hailey run full sprint off the bus and jump into her father's arms. No words. 
When unpacking, he pulled a Ritter Sport German chocolate bar from his bag and handed it to Laura and said, "I know your love language." Then Laura went to the pantry and pulled the same bar (different flavor) from the shelf and said, "And I know yours". We had gotten it at the Commissary the day before. I noticed her go back after we passed the chocolate and grab it as she said, "John likes these."
Everyone went to bed early and Laura and I stayed up making lists of things that needed to be done and names and numbers of who needed to be contacted, those on standby for meals and what to pack in her hospital bag. She commented then that she was having subtle contractions. Evidently they got a little more pronounced overnight. They are at her scheduled doctor's appointment now, but took her things just in case. I am here with Owen preparing dinner, watching the Today show, drinking cold coffee, still in my pj's. This mom stuff is hard. They say it is different when it's your own, but by then it is too late to back out. 
I am excited about the thoughts of being here to see Baby Girl when she arrives and just be here for the family and help make this birth as less stressful as possible for everyone. Yet, I leave on Sunday. Laura made the comment last night that she had a feeling it would be in the next 48 hours. There's nothing like Mother's Intuition.
For now, Owen needs a diaper change. I can smell it from here so I know that it's bad. I am psyching myself up for the job. 

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