I'm gonna birth a baby!!!!
I know this one will get your attention. I have been hesitant to write all this. But want to be in the habit of regular posts and I cannot keep a secret. I cannot come here and write and talk about my day and life and all these musings of me, without telling you that I am going to birth a baby!! I think. Maybe. My college roommate Laura, wound up marrying one of those bald guys in camouflage that we went to college with. He was actually in my history class and I got his sarcasm and he got mine. I have written about Laura here before. I love her. Well, poor John is defending our country for a whole year in an undisclosed location. And she is stationed in middle of nowhere Kansas, that doesn't even have a Super Target, with two little precious children to entertain her and one in the womb. She called the other night and began to talk about the deployment situation and began to discuss things that I had already been considering about the delivery and John coming home and I could hear the worry in her voice and the next thing I know she is asking ME to come and help her bring this baby into the WORLD! EEEEK. She said she could not think of anyone else but ME who she would want to coach her through this and help during this time. And I can't think of anyone better either. I didn't tell her about my vomit phobia and fear of blood and hospitals and people in pain. But this is bigger than my little issues, this is a baby and my best friend and she needs me. We can do this. I can do this. I will just need coffee, a focal point and a People magazine. This is hands down the greatest honor ever. I am at a lost for words. Just giddy with excitement. What an honor to be chosen to cheer her on and love on her and take care of her and wait by her bed in extreme anticipation for this little person to come into the world. I can tidy up the house, do laundry and serve her breakfast in bed. I am going to perfect my French Toast in the coming months, just for her. My heart already breaks a little bit when I think about the plane ride home and leaving my girl and her baby. And little Hailey and Owen. This is going to be a great year. I knew that 2010 was full of good things. I felt the momentum and had unexplainable expectation. I had no idea it would involve me watching a baby come into this world. There is nothing better. They smell so good. They scrunch up their tiny little legs and stretch and purse their lips and I want to hold him so badly. She doesn't know the sex of the baby and is considering not finding out. Which is all the better. All the more excitement. The decision on John coming for the birth has yet to be made. So technically I am Plan B in this situation, but my odds are good. This should all make for a really good story. Me, in Kansas, taking care of a toddler, an 8 year old and their 9-months pregnant mother. Laura already gave me the quick list of activities for which I would be driving carpool. Again, coffee, focal point, and a People magazine. I can do this!
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