So my entry below about Hebem' was a bit of an introduction. I have been thinking a lot about Hebem' lately, not in a longing to go there 'cause it stinks down here kinda way, but in a new way of thinking living from a new dimension, living under an open heaven kinda way. It is all terribly complicated to explain, but the first time I experienced anything like this was in Africa. There was something different about that little compound where Iris Ministries is headquartered. Maybe it was just the great big stars in the sky or the ocean view, but there was something different about that territory and I don't think it was just in the natural. It was something you could feel. There was a peace in the midst of poverty and sickness and theft and chaos. I found myself describing it as an open Heaven. So I am learning in this life, that all the tangible stuff around us is fleeting and so incredibly temporal, but the things of the spirit are what last forever. Every single culture lives by this, but ours, and can tell you that the things of the spirit are far greater than the tangible things we touch. India totally lives by this. So if the things of the spirit realm are more real than this keyboard, I want to know more. If I can see the color of this dust covered piece of plastic, I don't understand why I can't see the things God has prepared for me, not just when I die, but why not now, when I need it most? When my heart and flesh cry out and I want to walk as Jesus did. If I am going to do so, I need to know something of the Heavenlies. Really long story short, an absolutely amazing woman of God came to class last week, shared her simple, sweet, beautiful testimony. I held on to every word as she revealed a life of a little girl, feeling so unloved and unlovely, falling in love with God in a really cool, real, tangible, awesome way. Then she began to tell us of how God speaks to her and reveals things to her in very vibrant detail and of her visits to Heaven. Yep. I already told you, "my cornbread ain't cooked", so you've been warned. So, long story short, she took us there. She encouraged us to use our imagination, because it was created by God and he uses that to take us places and reveal things to us. I guess I saw using my imagination is just extending a hand, so He could pull me up. And obviously this is not some kinda New Age freaky mind separated from your body Devil stuff. My cornbread might not be cooked but I ain't stupid. It is simply coming to a new place with my Creator, not praying and asking for stuff, not even praise or worship, but a place of abandonment and awe and expectation and intimacy with Him. The only other basic of the "steps of going to Heaven" were that one is to imagine themselves as a child. It's pretty much common sense, it is how Jesus tells us we are to come if we want to enter the Kingdom. I really want to get into what I saw, but if you want to know more specifics, just ask. (I have a total of two followers now, both related to me, directly and indirectly, but I still count you!) So! I imagined myself standing before Jesus. I could not see his face, but I could see His hands and feet. I was dressed in blue corduroy Oshkosh b'gosh overalls, white leather tennis shoes with a red nike swoosh and pigtails. He leaned over and whispered in my ear, "I love you and I have been here all the time". He then grabbed my hands and twirled me around, so hard and so fast and it was so exhilarating that it took my breath away. His hands were so incredibly strong. I laughed. He set me down. I then asked Him to take me to my garden. He walked ahead of me and I ran behind him. We came upon a wall, with stacked stones and entered this pretty, lush, green, kinda English garden. Something like this:
It was attached to an English style cottage that looked a bit like this. There were all kinds of flowers in the garden, lots of vines and a ton of butterfly bushes that attracted hundreds of butterflies and there were roses in the garden and it smelled lovely. The wall, on the inside had small moss covered hills up against it on either side, to the north and the south. One side was attached to the house on the west. These moss covered hills were almost like as if you had leaned mattresses up against the walls at an angle. You could practically walk by and just topple over and rest on them, lie on your back and read a book. So I did. When I looked, I noticed I was now wearing a dress, a peach colored one and I had ribbons in my hair. There was a woman coming in and out of the house, setting up tea and bringing out sugar cookies and petit fours. She was wearing an apron with a flounce and a white cap. I ran barefoot up the moss covered hill and simply jumped over the wall. 
There were puppies there too. And their breath smelled like butterscotch. They climbed up on my chest and nuzzled my neck and made me giggle. Jesus and I ran with the horses and you could just grab their manes and hoist yourself up on them. I asked Jesus where the ocean was because it is my favorite thing and he showed me. We were high above it. I believe this is an illustration of the heights and depths of His love and my garden is in the heights! 

There was more to it, but that was it for the most part. I asked about the woman bringing out the cakes and cookies and he told me that was God's mother heart. That God has this HUGE mother heart, that loves me like a mother, serves me, dotes on me, loves on me, feeds me cakes and tea. You have a garden too. I don't know if there are butterscotch breathed puppies there, but I can promise that it is awesome and once seeing it, you can never deny His love for you.
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