These are just too good not to share. The one above is Republican Uncle John. There he is leanin' on a Chevrolet, but a Porsche is now his car of choice. It's funny that he's standing like this on the car. He looks like a toy doll. He loves cars more than anyone I know. He participates in Motorcross races in Albuquerque and wins! He is married to the sweetest, kindest woman on earth. They gave me the greatest gift anyone as ever given me, a massage and a hot bath at the Pemba Beach Hotel, when I was in Africa. But most importantly, they called me every weekend and still do.
This is my great grandmother, Madge McDowell. She grew her own coffee and tea. She sheared her own sheep for wool blankets. Her husband died when she was just weeks pregnant with my grandmother and she had 6 young children. I complain when I have to cut the grass...

I love this picture of Uncle Henry with his fish. He drowned in 1994 while fishing in, most likely, the same pond. His life was cut short and death never makes sense, but I know that he's in Heaven.
This should be a Hallmark Christmas card, Republican Uncle John and chubby face Dad and Cousin Miriam- I think I see a Red Rider BB gun behind the Christmas tree.
Five Children! John is holding new baby Nancy, Dad is up front and is seven years old. Henry is on the right and about 3 and James is in the middle.
This one is just funny. It is the way I remember Granny Davis. Those polyester dresses that remind me of Mama from "Mama's Family". She dressed just like that, but didn't cuss and drink beer like Mama Harper. But she was a farm girl for sure. She probably caught, cleaned and cooked this fish. I have never in my life cleaned a fish. Daddy was always around to do that. I had to watch, out of cultural respect, the killing and cleaning of goats, pigs and chickens and have not eaten them since. So perhaps it's best for my pescatarian lifestyle to have this pleasure in life.

I love this picture of Uncle Henry with his fish. He drowned in 1994 while fishing in, most likely, the same pond. His life was cut short and death never makes sense, but I know that he's in Heaven.

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