Saturday, September 21, 2013

galeria dos sonhos

I have been living and breathing sewing. I sew in my sleep. All 3 of our machines are broken though and it is frustrating. One is with Francois in "a shop" in the baixa. The others are waiting on the visitor coming in a few weeks who can hopefully help us. One really needs a part that I am trying to get sent up from South Africa. I am seeing the need for us to invest in a treadle, but I don't like the quality of sewing they produce. But it is our only other choice at the moment. I have resorted to using the interlocker for what we can and then hand sewing. So far it is working. We can do runners and cocktail napkins and lots of things this way. Well, not lots. So we really need to get these machines running. Andrea arrives Thursday with a brand new INDUSTRIAL SINGER! AND she has gotten a few of our goods in a shop in London. You can view a few of our things HERE. And you can always purchase on our ETSY SITE. (New products arriving there October 1st).

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