Saturday, June 18, 2011

enlarging my tent while packing up boxes

This time last week I was in Austin, Texas. I went to visit new friends, people I barely knew. Funny how you can know so much about someone whilst knowing so very little. I met this couple, only for a moment, last year at a conference with Iris. They were easily highlighted to me. They just stood out. Granted we were both perched on the front row and were there for a couple of days, still they practically had neon signs above their heads. Apparent. Of a crowd of hundreds, theirs were the faces that stood out to me most. I introduced myself on the last day, we exchanged information and we kept in touch. Every time we spoke it was if I was talking to my closest friend. It may sound cliche' to say perhaps it is because we have the same Dad, but that is really what is is all about. It is the only way two complete strangers, who barely remember what each other looks like or their last names, can delve deep. We are related. We are family. We hear the same voice. I think it has to be one of the most powerful things on earth. The Body. These two dear people swept me in to their home, their life, pulled me a seat up the table, gave me a listening ear, refused to be anything but themselves around me. Transparent. They cried with me, high-fived me, gave me advice, called me out, read my mail, fed me, clothed me. I have never been the recipient of anything like this in my whole life.
What kind of love is this?
Back in February in snowy Ohio I sat around the table with Maggie and Jeff and all hopelessness flew right out the kitchen window when Jeff put his big strong elbows on the table and said, "we have your back". It is impossible to be hopeless in community where friends care for you, advise you, pray for you, laugh with you, hold your hand. And then the tables turn, and they need me. I get to receive it and I get to give.
So I am absolutely undone by these great gifts I have been given. I am so stinkin' rich.

I signed a two year lease on my house yesterday. Welcome, Denese. I am undone. Right here at this little blog I prayed and asked for a renter, one to love my home and care for it. I got it! And she is letting me store my things in the attic so I don't have to hand off boxes to each one of you to keep for me for an undetermined about of time. It is all almost too good to be true. I simply cast the vision of what I wanted and just, very timidly, asked for a nice renter, a two year lease, a place to put my things. And I got it. How does this happen? Could it be that she is a sister too? Part of this family and has the same Dad? I am certain.

This week has left me speechless. I am here, struggling for words. Just a few months ago I didn't have the faith for much of anything. My moment of crisis became my launching pad. I had no choice but to start casting my vision. Rent my house. Sell my car. Raise support. Move to Africa. Start a school. Educate the poor.

All this coming together in just a surreal way forces me to take a look at it all. Am I even dreaming big enough? Do I need to enlarge my tent even more? Do I need to dream even bigger? Will this school be more empowering than I ever dreamed? Can I always have all the finances that I need? Can I have more than enough? Can I make a difference in a nation? A whole big ole country? Do I get to do this for a lifetime?

He has simply proven Himself way too faithful for me to doubt. And if I can't doubt, I can only dream bigger. There is no lack in the Kingdom. He is who He says He is.

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