Christine wants an update! Hello, Love. I don't like to force entries because then they are not any good. They are not creative or inspired. But I can try...

I recently stumbled upon this group of women who sing and write songs and I
am inspired. Their music was given to me years ago by Shannon Fisher, in copied Sharpie marked CD format and I played them over and over in the Volvo and in my little boom box in my little, little condo in the ATL back in the day. When I bought Catherine an iPod shuffle for Christmas one year, the songs were new and the iPod arrived a little early so I put these artists on it and the shuffle in my pocket and carried them everywhere I went for a month, jogging and grocery shopping, and me...humming. They are on my iPod too and still go with me all over the place. I even had it on the alarm setting to wake me up each morning, but soon started to loathe any song I had to wake up to and now just rise to Blackberry Notifier ChiGong instead. Volume: Low. 7:33AM. 5 Minute Snooze Option. But I can remember where and when I heard these songs for the first time and I can go back to the hardwood floors in that tiny, tiny condo and I feel something. Those songs were raw. They were singing about a God they knew and loved and trusted. It wasn't about religion, but an encounter and a lifestyle and a relationship. All I knew what that I felt better with those lyrics in my head than the lies that I seemed to keep believing. They sang about Hope and Freedom and I didn't really have a clue as to what all that was about. And if you have read anything I have ever written, I am still trying to figure all that out. But I just knew that these girls were on to something good and I wanted what they had and they became a daily part of my routine and they taught me how to worship and led me into encounters with God. And all those encounters led to new discovery, real dreams and lofty dreams and writing and creativity and expression and so much.
So long story short one of these artist was playing at a church nearby and I was so not gonna go, but randomly had the night off and happened to be home and so I made myself just go. It was a tiny little place with no one really there and it was raining and I was on empty and out in the middle of nowhere, but they had hot tea! So I went to the back to get some and saw the keyboard player and said hello. We started talking and turns out she is incredibly amazing and super talented and was in the ATL this week to teach a music course. My heart is to create music that leads others to encounters like I had. Whether it is by my hands, my voice, digitially enhanced or just my lyrics, it is my heart to create music. So I am going!

And we are doing stuff like this:
and this:

And I haven't a clue, but I am a quick learner. Sorta. But stoked nonetheless. I need a MacBook Pro immediately. Dad? Anyone?
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