Christmas with the Fallin's began with the kids opening their presents. Emma Grace is very into the details of things. She is the person in the museum who reads every plaque. She reads her Christmas cards with heartfelt appreciation. I never read cards. Ever. If you handwrite something, I read that part, other than that, nope. I open it, wait for the check to fall, read handwritten sentiments, if any, and discard.

Evidently Catherine is not even a big fan of the heartfelt sentiment. And Carson. Well, there is no shame in his game and not being able to read is his excuse for just diving in for the cash. I can't say that I blame him.
She got worship music and paints and brushes!
They both got a canvas. I think they liked them. I love their creativity. Childlike. Expressive. Unedited.
Carson opened all his presents with a real live lizard on his thumb. Didn't you?
The boy loves dressing up. Each year I get him a clearanced costume. Last year it was a kangaroo. This year, his tastes have matured and he got a Storm Trooper. He quickly went behind a chair and stripped. Then came out from hiding transformed, chest stuck out, breathing slow dramatic Storm Trooper breaths.
Then the present opening resumed, lizard included.
I love Old Navy.
Then...we got to eat!!!
Oh my.
This was breakfast.
And this is what they do for fun.
It is still up for debate as to which sugar is better...the chocolate cake or his...
I think my vote is for the little boy with the worn out teddy bear and mismatched pajamas.
Then Nathaniel woke up. He got a blanket.
And I got more shuggar.