Wednesday, April 8, 2009

you coulda told me, but ida never believed you

I just want to make sure you all hear my little Southern twang as I write this. I am on my pseudo comfy sofa in my Patagonia and navy blue jogging pants with the cuffs pulled down over my toes. It's cold in the house, but sunny outside. But windy. I am putting off my run. I will go, eventually. I've got a lot on my mind and running is the best thing for that.

So I am writing to all of you who follow this little blog and comment and write me back. I have a tiny handful of official followers and a greater following who, like myself are inundated with usernames and passwords and opt to view anonymously and that's fine too.

A few months ago I mentioned Madagascar. I mentioned going there. To live. For an undetermined amount of time. The current political situation there is not good and there is much unrest and US citizens are not allowed at this time. But that is not a deterrent. The situation will improve and I am praying. I am not free to go right away anyway, so I am simply waiting and praying and enjoying hot baths.

Yet, it is looking like this might seriously become a reality. Recently, I have been in contact with Iris Ministries. It was their Holy Given School of Missions that I attended in 2007. To cut to the chase, we have a tiny plan. They want to get to know me and I want to get to know them. My 3 months there were amazing, but didn't give me one on one time with the leadership or time to really study how the base is ran, supplies purchased, books balanced, mouths fed, children educated, etc...Iris would like for me to come and visit and see how things are done and create relationship with the leaders there, so that I may be equipped to assist in the direction of the Madagascar base. It has been tentatively discussed that I would go in July. I have a few weeks of leave time saved up that would permit me to easily take time off work and go for a few weeks to help and to learn.

Now you know everything that I know. Now we all just get to sit back at watch. Will you be reading my posts two years from now as I write them with a chubby African baby on my knee from a dirty orange laptop? I have no idea. I love my friend Mark's reply when I wrote to tell him I may come to visit. He and his wife Jen are currently living there. He writes "Are you crazy? Considering selling out for the King? Is He worth such sacrifices?". I love it even more that I know people who think like this.

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