You'd never guess it. Not in a million years. No, I am not pregnant. That's what Laura says every time after she asks me this question. And somehow the "guess what" is always exciting, but never quite as exciting as her being pregnant. So, sorry to disappoint, but...I am in a book! Well, kinda sorta in a book. My dear friend Sherri Lewis is a published author. We first met at church. She had announced to the congregation that she was writing and considering leaving her job as a DOCTOR to become a full time writer as that was her heart. She mentioned that she was writing a new book about a missionary who has been in Mozambique and is transitioning into life back in America and needed help. I was surprised. There are a lot of countries out there. And so many in Africa alone, the fact that she picked Moz and there I was standing there, and I had been there just months prior was more than just a quirk of fate. Not knowing her, I went up to her and offered to help her in any way that I could. I didn't feel like I could help her much with missionary life, but would certainly be able to describe climate, terrain and cultural aspects. A few days later, she came over and now I have a new best friend. This woman is amazing. She is so beautiful, so smart, so passionate, so wise and so much more. She gave me her book My Soul Cries Out and I read it in its entirety the following day. She writes about life and love and faith and friendship. I loved reading about these woman and their coming together and caring for one another and their tight bonds of friendship. I wanted friends like these, who know how to have a good time and are there for you through thick and thin. And guess what? I've got it! Sherri and her best friend Yvette have allowed me into the club and I am blessed beyond measure. But going back to my original "Guess What?" and this book. The book is almost finished and she emailed me a copy, I have only read the first chapter, but this missionary character is the main character of the book! And it makes me cry as I read it because she was really listening during our interview and she pulled from my stories and my heart and this character is ME! She has an Afro, but she is ME! I would totally have an Afro if my hair would do that. I am touched and honored and blessed and excited! Buy her books! They are great. And be on the look out for Selling My Soul. http://www.sherrilewis.com/
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