I am gonna ring in the New Year with my friends Remi and Sara. Sara and I went to college together. Remi is French and they are missionaries in Cyprus and home on furlough. I am going to do the Daniel Fast again this year as an offering of first fruits for the new year.
Nehemiah 10:35 "We also assume responsibility for bringing to the house of the LORD each year the firstfruits of our crops and of every fruit tree".
I want 2009 to begin with spiritual giving, a simple consecration of self and time.
The Daniel Fast is obviously derived from Daniel Chapter 1 in him not eating of the King's meat. I already do not eat meat, so this is not a sacrifice, but bread, dairy and sugar of any kind will be a change. This website offers helpful information for others who may want to do the Daniel Fast: www.danielfast.wordpress.com
I want to spend these first three weeks (and the other remaining 49 for that matter) with a focus on Christ and our relationship and with an awareness of and dependency upon Him. I believe that certain things only come about through prayer and fasting. I want to learn to set my mind, will and emotions in the back seat in all things, including eating. This is an area where I often allow my emotions to overcome and that is not good. It is a small, small sacrifice to make. So after a visit to Kroger, I have a refrigerator full of fruits and vegetables and am looking forward to the Fast. My end goal is simple and all I could ever want in this life, more intimacy, learning to make more time for Him, and seeking His face.
As Heidi says, "I don't fast to get favor, I fast to get hungry".
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