This was taken from their blog...there is a link to more of their adventures in My Links (or here: www.iriskenya.blogspot.com). Their stories get to the heart of the matter and are the cry of my heart. I encourage you to go there...without leaving the comforts of home! Their message is simple, yet it will change your life.
This message is from Jamie- my California surfer girl and snorkel buddy.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Why Mombasa? Why Us?
So I'm not quite sure how to write this or what exactly to say, but here we go. Once upon a time, there was four kids, from four different places in America, with four different stories that have nicely intertwined for a time such as this. What time is this, you ask? Well, as one of my favorite MCs would say: "It's Hammer Time!" Okay, but really. As another one of my favorite MCs would say: "In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth." (John 18:37). Jesus was radical, the MC among MCs of his day, a rebel, a passionate lover of God's children, a teacher, a friend, and the Son of God. He wasn't just revolutionary, he is the revolution to this thing we call life. He is the way, the truth and the life. He is the mediator that lets me stand before my Father in heaven. Because of Him, I am "to God the aroma of Christ" among people ( 2Cor.2:15). And because of Him, I am here in Mombasa with three other amazing people who just want to know this Man better.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Why Mombasa? Why Us?
So I'm not quite sure how to write this or what exactly to say, but here we go. Once upon a time, there was four kids, from four different places in America, with four different stories that have nicely intertwined for a time such as this. What time is this, you ask? Well, as one of my favorite MCs would say: "It's Hammer Time!" Okay, but really. As another one of my favorite MCs would say: "In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth." (John 18:37). Jesus was radical, the MC among MCs of his day, a rebel, a passionate lover of God's children, a teacher, a friend, and the Son of God. He wasn't just revolutionary, he is the revolution to this thing we call life. He is the way, the truth and the life. He is the mediator that lets me stand before my Father in heaven. Because of Him, I am "to God the aroma of Christ" among people ( 2Cor.2:15). And because of Him, I am here in Mombasa with three other amazing people who just want to know this Man better.
Here is how our stories came together: My name is Jamie. I'm from San Francisco, California. Topher is from Boston, Massachusetts. And Carly and Terra are from Gaylord, Michigan. We all met in Mozambique, except for Carly and Terra, in a little Missions school called Holy Given School associated with Iris Ministries. Carly and Terra had just graduated from Taylor University and were ready to explore what the Lord had next (whether that be: being a surf bum in my beloved Cali or being 22 years old living in Kenya for a few months, falling in love with the Lord and His people even more). Topher was about to start med school at Tulane University, but was surprised to find a good friendship and a strong pull toward the same calling we all felt. And I was approaching my Senior year at San Francisco State University, but couldn't resist the Father's call to this awesome adventure.
In Mozambique, at Iris Ministries, surrounded by 'laid down lovers' of God, we had two months devoted to learning what missions really is. We each took something different away from this experience. I learned about missions, about the Father's heart, what it means to be a lover of Christ, what it feels like to be a 'whitey' in Africa, and, most importantly, to never forget to wear sunscreen. The list could go on. But in all reality, what I learned in Mozambique was the theory of Missions. And instead of just going back to my San Francisco life, the Lord has set it up so that we all could actually put the theories we learned into practice. I was in no way prepared for this journey to Kenya when I came to Mozambique. I didn't have a clue, and I didn't have my contact lenses.One of the greatest things I gained was some good friendships, not only with these two cool chicks from Michigan and a dude from Boston, but one very cool guy from Kenya. His name: Robert. After a few fun days exploring the city of Pemba and talking with them about his vision for ministry back in their home city, Mombassa, the Lord started to put a desire in all of our hearts to come alongside our Kenyan brother in helping build a foundation for Iris Ministries in Kenya.
Why Mombasa? Well, we asked that same question at first. Actually, we are still asking that same question at times. Everyday we ask God for wisdom. Jesus, what next? Where now? And everyday, He is faithful to give us an answer as we sit before Him and seek His face. Our mission: To fall even more in love with Him. As we fall for Him, we fall in love with the street kids who have been abandoned and rejected, who sniff glue all day long just to escape the pains of everyday life, who fight to stay alive on the streets, and who are burdened with health problems. As we fall for Him, we fall in love with the little neighbor boys who come to our house everyday for a soccer ball and guitar lessons. As we fall for Him, we fall in love with the Kenyan faces and culture of many new found friends. And as we fall for Him, we fall in love with each other in friendship and unity.I'm excited to see what is ahead, to see the fruit of what the Lord is going to do.It puts my mind at ease to think that the Lord can take the little I have and make it something beautiful. "The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all the seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and perch on its branches." (Matthew 13:31-32). That's the Kingdom of Heaven for ya though. This upside down kingdom where the Lord uses the weak, the unworthy, and the small to create the most glorious picture of who He is.As Paul says in 2 Timothy: "I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me faithful appointing me to his service." And even better, he equips those He chooses. So we walk by faith, trusting the Lord for each next step, knowing He will equip us with everything we need. As I said: We're just four kids, walking hand in hand with Jesus.
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