Monday, August 27, 2007


We took a course on to the western world after being in the two-thirds world. After just ten weeks there I feel that re-entry hasn't been that big of a deal. Yes, it is difficult to sit in a board meeting and listen to men in suits discuss funding for some stupid project. And, yes, the stuff that is important here is not important over there. It seems mundane and pointless. So, it is simply all the more reason for me to get moving and get involved in something that isn't pointless. There are great ideas and ventures that I can get behind here in the states that are motivating and make a difference. So that is my new goal.

As for what I learned and my thesis of was honestly so much that it will take me a while to process. However, the most important is GOD IS BIGGER THAN YOU THINK. We have put him in a box, in our churches, on TV, and pushed Him out of our lives. He was too far away, or I was never good enough, or I was disgusted by those who represented Him. But when I came to a place where the people just seek Him and learned to depend on Him as they do in Mozambique, I realized that He is better than I could have ever imagined.

He loves us and created us so that we may have relationship with Him. He delights in relationship with us and longs to spend time with us, instruct us and bless us. I love it that He knows us so well. He created us to be the way we are and has placed dreams inside of us. So I am at that place where I just want to spend time with Him. I've done things my way and it didn't work out so well. Since He created the universe, don't you think He can pull some strings for His kids? He's omnipotent. So I want to spend time with Him to learn His heart and to discuss my dreams with Him and bring them in line with His plans. If we saw Him as the true lover of our souls that He really is, our lives would be much different. We would walk with our heads held high because we are accepted and loved and not defeated.
He knows us better than we know ourselves and no one is excluded. Our lives and our hearts are precious to Him and we are to live each day with that awareness and in true intimacy with Him. Yet, even this is hard. Our world is so busy and we have so many distractions. It came easy for the Mozambicans and their faith is astounding. Westerners question everything, they simply believe. For me, it is spending time, morning and night, in that quiet place. I have to be full of Him to have His heart, to see with His eyes and to hear His voice. But it is the only way to live. I failed miserably trying to make things happen on my own. And it's in that surrender that He speaks, where He sent His son to kill the fatted calf and put a ring on our finger and welcome us home (Luke 15). He just wants us home, in His presence, to spend time with Him. He's the "hook-up", He's the "connection", and the greatest "mover and shaker" you'll ever know.

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